
20 years Landhotel Golf - History

Sonja and Patrizio Salzano look back on 20 years at the Landhotel Golf. The hotelier couple can be proud of what they have worked on and achieved over the last two decades together with their two sons Sandro and Fabian.

Sonja Brand from Gstaad and Patrizio Salzano from Marigliano near Napoli met in 1984, exactly 30 years ago, during a seasonal job at the Parkhotel Beau-Site in Zermatt. They still maintain very friendly contact with the director at the time and with the hotel.

Soon it was clear to the young hotel employees that they wanted to take over their own business. No sooner said than done. They ran the Hotel Alpina in Zernez, Lower Engadine, as tenants for seven years. The capable couple was then able to realize their dream of owning their own hotel. In 1994 they moved from Zernez to Interlaken.

The Tearoom Golf was built in the sixties on the site where the smart Swiss chalet-style hotel now stands. In 1964, the Interlaken-Unterseen golf course was built at the same time, which is why the café was already geared to the target audience of golfers at that time. The company was expanded in the following two decades. Various room wings were built as well as a small mini chalet, which is still standing today. In 1988, the Tearoom Golf changed hands. The house was demolished to make way for the new Landhotel Golf. The former owner of the tearoom kept the back of the hotel. He expanded the room capacity and ran his part as Motel Lehn. Thus, the property was divided into two parcels with two different owners.

The Landhotel Golf had 26 rooms with bath/WC. This included a restaurant with a separate Stübli, a terrace and a large garden. Sonja and Patrizio Salzano were able to purchase the Landhotel Golf and move into their own hotel with their two sons on April 15, 1994. Five-year-old Sandro and two-year-old Fabian were particularly looking forward to having their own large playground.

The lettering of the Landhotel Golf and the logo with the red squirrel were developed by the well-known Grisons artist Rudolf Mirer. The squirrel that now accompanied the Salzano family on all hotel documents could not have been more aptly chosen for the hardworking hotelier family. The connection with the Grisons is also evident in the loving details such as the sgraffito paintings that adorn the hotel entrance.

For the first six years in the Landhotel Golf, the hotelier family of four lived in two small rooms in the attic of the hotel. The rooms had only two small skylights. The two boys had to climb on a chair to look out the window. There was no heating or kitchen in the tiny apartment. Standing was only possible in the middle part due to the sloping roof. In 1999 the extension of the attic could be realized. A nice 5-room apartment was built and Sandro and Fabian finally got their own rooms.

Sonja Salzano-Brand’s parents moved from their home in Gstaad to Unterseen. Werner and Klara Brand support the young family from now on in the hotel. They helped mainly in the garden and with childcare and were a great help with errands.

Restaurant and hotel guests were always happy to return to the warm host family at the Landhotel Golf. The hotel and restaurant were well booked and so several renovations and extensions could be realized in the following years. In 1999 a modern induction cooker was installed in the kitchen, in 2000 a beautiful guest suite was built, in 2006 the terrace was extended, the breakfast buffet and the Piccolo bar were built. In 2007 the rooms on the 2nd floor and in 2008 the 5 rooms on the 1st floor were redesigned. In December 2009 Sonja and Patrizio Salzano were able to buy the former Motel Lehn and thus also the rear plot of land. In 2010 a massage room with an infrared cabin was installed and in 2011 the garden connecting the two plots was redesigned. A small pond was created there and a small putting green for golfers.

A great event in the history of the Salzano family was the birth of little Luca in October 2011, the son of Sandro and Angela and first grandson of Sonja and Patrizio, who brought young life into the hotelier family.

The hard work paid off. In 2009, the Landhotel Golf was awarded the hotelleriesuisse 3-star superior qualification and in 2012, the Landhotel Golf was voted “Swiss Golf Hotel of the Year”. The award is presented annually to a hotel and a golf club for special achievements in the field of Swiss golf tourism. The Landhotel Golf received further awards in 2000 and 2011 with the Q1 and Q2, the quality seals that are awarded to tourist businesses that give their best for the guest every day.

Another milestone in the hotel’s history followed in 2014. Sonja and Patrizio Salzano were able to realize their dream of a wellness facility for themselves and their guests after many years of planning and six months of construction. Patrizio and Sonja Salzano developed the concept and interior design of the 450-square-metre spa themselves, which includes a crushing bath, a pine wood bio-sauna, an old wood sauna with a view of the Eiger, a steam bath experience and a soft pack system for body wraps. The new wellness area was ceremoniously opened in February 2014. Since then, the hotel has borne the name Landhotel Golf & Salzano SPA.

Press Media


Sonja Salzano ist Berufsbildnerin des Jahres

Zum zehnten Mal wurden am 6. September 2021 im Zürcher Theater-Club Kaufleuten die besten Berufsbildner des Jahres geehrt.

Dank ihrem überdurchschnittlichen Engagement, ihrer Freude am Handwerk und ihrer grossen Sozialkompetenz haben sie es auf das Podest geschafft.

Herzliche Gratulation!

Mehr Infos:

Video: Link auf Youtube

06. September 2021


Sonja Salzano als beste Berufsbildnerin nominiert

Das Team der Geschäftsführerin des Hotel-Spa-Restaurants hat heimlich eine Bewerbung bei Swiss Gastro Solutions und Gastrosuisse eingereicht, die jährlich den «Zukunftsträger» auszeichnen. Nun wird sie als Ausbilderin des Jahres in der Kategorie Restaurationsfachmann/-frau gehandelt.

14. Mai 2021


Beste Werbung für die Berner Oberländer Gastfreundschaft

Die Restaurationsfachfrau Priscilla Maytner vom Unterseener Salzano Hotel-Spa-Restaurant überzeugte an den Berufsmeisterschaften in Weggis die Fachjury. Nebst einer Bronzemedaille winkt der 21-Jährigen auch eine Beförderung.

15. September 2020


Mit Waldduft und vollem Geschmack

Hausgemacht sind im SALZANO Hotel – Spa – Restaurant nicht nur die Gerichte aus einheimischen Rohstoffen, sondern auch der Erholungs- und Regenerationsbereich. Er entstand aus jahrzehntelanger Leidenschaft, welche die Besitzer mit den Gästen teilen.

22. AUGUST 2019


Der Feierabend kann kommen

Sonnenanbeter kommen neuerdings im Salzano Hotel-Spa-Restaurant auf ihre Kosten. Die neue Sunset Lounge steht bereit. Die Gastgeber sind sich einig: Bei Cocktails, Drinks und Fingerfood lässt es sich besonders gut relaxen.

24. OKTOBER 2018

Jungfrauzeitung – LIFESTYLE

Hôtelière mit Leib und Seele

Dass Sonja Salzano eine waschechte Berner Oberländerin ist, wissen viele nicht. «Als wir 1994 nach Unterseen kamen, hiess es: ‘Jetzt kommen die Engadiner!’», erinnert sich die 62-Jährige und lacht. Zwar hatte das Ehepaar Salzano vor dem Kauf des «Landhotel Golf», wie das heutige «Salzano Hotel-Spa-Restaurant» damals noch hiess, während sieben Jahren im Engadin gelebt – aufgewachsen ist Sonja Salzano jedoch in Gstaad.

28. MÄRZ 2019


Ära «Landhotel Golf» ist zu Ende

Neu präsentiert sich der Familienbetrieb als «Salzano Hotel-Spa-Restaurant». Mit dem Namenswechsel ebnen die Gastgeber Sonja und Patrizio Salzano den Weg für die nächste Generation.

25. November 2017


Salzanos gehen neue Wege

Mit von der Partie ist Küchenchef Stephan Koltes. Bereits jetzt begeistert die erweiterte Philosophie rund um die naturnahe Küche die Gäste. Was auf die Teller kommt, ist hohe Kunst der Gastronomie.

17. November 2017


Liebende unter sich

Bei Sonja und Patrizio Salzano drehte sich am Valentinstag im Landhotel Golf alles um die Romantik. Sie war für die Ambiance zuständig, er zusammen mit Chef Jeremy Holenstein für die Kulinarik.

16. Februar 2017


Sieben Gänge für die Ewigkeit

Im Unterseener Landhotel Golf kocht neu Jeremy Holenstein. Am Valentinstag bestand er in der Küche von Patrizio Salzano die Feuerprobe. Die Gäste sowie die Teamkollegen waren begeistert.

15. Februar 2017

helvetia Versicherung – Blog Storie


Landhotel Golf & Salzano Spa: Natur und Herzlichkeit erleben
Seit 22 Jahren führen Sonja und Patrizio Salzano erfolgreich ihr eigenes Hotel in Interlaken-Unterseen. Mit Leidenschaft und Herzlichkeit sowie ihrem naturnahen alpinen Genuss- und Wohlfühlkonzept überzeugen die Helvetia Kunden ihre Gäste.

31. Januar 2017

Schweizer Garten

Kreative Blumen- und Gaumenfreuden

Mit den kühlen Novembertagen steigt die Lust auf schöpferische Musse. Unter der fachkundigen Leitung der Meisterfloristin Esther Lefebvre (Bild) und des Hoteliers Patrizio Salzano bietet das Landhotel Golf & Salzano Spa einen Kreativ- und Genuss-Workshop an.

N°11 – November 2016

Ibikus Kundenmagazin – Interview

Mit Erdgas in die Zukunft

Im Landhotel Golf in Unterseen bietet Familie Salzano ihren Gästen nebst modernen Zimmern und kulinarischen Genüssen auch Wellness pur im direkt angrenzenden SPA. Patrizio Salzano gewährt uns einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und verrät im Interview, warum auch er auf den umweltfreundlichen Energieträger Erdgas setzt.

Nr. 54 – November 2015

Jungfrau Zeitung

Hotel spendet für Kinder in Not

Die Hoteliersfamilie Salzano vom Landhotel Golf & Salzano Spa hält ihr Versprechen und sammelte 5810 Franken für das Schweizer Kinderhilfswerk Kovive. Die Spende wird für alleinerziehende Mütter und ihre Kinder eingesetzt.

Nr. 54 – November 2015

Sonntags Blick

Hier lässts sich leben!

Eingelullt von Tannenduft und Kräuterdampf: SonntagsBlick- Vize Pfister im Bechtelbad des Salzano Spa.

Link zum Artikel >

22. März 2015


Die Salzanos

« MAN MUSS SICH VON DEN MITBEWERBERN DEUTLICH UNTERSCHEIDEN. » Sonja Salzano Die Geschichte einer 3-Sterne-Hotelier- Familie im Berner Oberland…

November 2014

Golf Magazin

Salzano-Spa im Landhotel Golf

In Interlaken ist im 3-Sterne-Superior-Landhotel Golf der neue 450 Quadratmeter grosse Salzano SPA eröffnet worden. Die naturnahen und alpinen Einrichtungen und Spa-Anwendungen differenzieren sich von herkömmlichen Wellness-Angeboten…

März 2014


Ein Bad für Seele, Körper und Geist

Die Hoteliers-Familie Salzano erfüllt sich einen Traum: Im Beisein lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Gäste eröffnete sie im Landhotel Golf das Salzano Spa…

März 2014

Gourmet – Fachmagazin für Hotellerie

Der neue Salzano-Spa im Landhotel Golf

In Interlaken ist im 3-Sterne-Superior-Landhotel Golf der neue 450 Quadratmeter grosse Salzano Spa eröffnet worden. Dienaturnahen und alpinen Einrichtungen und Spa-Anwendungendifferenzieren sich von herkömmlichen Wellness-Angeboten.

März 2014

htr hotelrevue

Neues Spa im Oberland

In Interlaken ist das neue Salzano Spa im 3-Sterne-Superior- Landhotel Golf feierlich eröffnet worden. Rund 80 geladene Gäste, darunter zahlreiche Brachenvertreter, waren vor Ort.

Februar 2014

Berner Oberländer

Das Landhotel Golf hat jetzt ein Spa

Neben ihrem Landhotel Golf hat Familie Salzano den Salzano Spa eröffnet. Die naturnahen und alpinen Einrichtungen unterscheiden sich von den herkömmlichen Wellnessangeboten…

Februar 2014



Tag der offenen Tür im Landhotel Golf Unterseen – Heute Nachmittag erwartet die Besucherinnen und Besucher im Landhotel Golf ein Tag der offenen Tür. Ab 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr werden sie mit einem Apéro im Garten begrüsst.

10. MAI 2004

Dear media professionals

Thank you for your interest in SALZANO Hotel – Spa – Restaurant.
We are happy if you write about us in your media.

Press kit
Here you can download our press kit

Your contact for press inquiries
If you should not find the desired text and picture material here, we ask you to contact us.

Sonja & Patrizio Salzano
Owner and host

Hotel – Spa – Restaurant
Lake road 108
CH-3800 Interlaken – Unterseen

Phone 033 821 00 70
Fax. 033 823 21 91
E-mail: welcome(at)



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Terms and conditions


SALZANO Hotel – Spa – Restaurant

These terms and conditions apply if no other terms and conditions have been agreed with the booking. (e.g. bookings via partners or booking platforms)

1. included in the room rate
(if the reservation is booked directly through the hotel)

Rich breakfast buffet
Parking lot in front of the hotel
Free access to SALZANO Spa for guests of SALZANO Hotel
Reduced entrance fee to SALZANO Spa for guests of SALZANO Basic Rooms
Use of our large hotel garden with sun loungers and pavilion

2. cancellation conditions
If for any reason you cancel your holiday with us, this can be done free of charge up to six days before arrival.

Cancellations 05 – 00 days before arrival will be charged with 100 % of the total price.
Cancellation costs will only be charged if the room cannot be re-rented. This can be clarified after the end of the booking period. The same applies in the event of late arrival and early departure.
We recommend that our guests take out cancellation insurance.

We ask for your understanding that reservations without written cancellation are considered confirmed.

3. price changes
In the following cases the hotel can change the advertised prices:
Newly introduced or increased government levies (e.g. value added tax, visitor’s tax, etc.)
Clearly explainable printing errors

4. liability for damages and liability
SALZANO Hotel is not liable for damages in cases of intent or gross negligence. Liability for items brought in by the guest is excluded to the extent permitted by law. Claims must be made in writing to the owner family SALZANO immediately, at the latest 7 days after departure; otherwise the claims are considered expired.

5 Use of the hotel room/chalet/apartment
The hotel room/apartment/chalet is to be used and treated with the greatest care by the guest. It may only be used or occupied by the number of persons (including children) specified in the contract. The guest is not permitted to leave hotel rooms rented in the SALZANO Hotel to third parties for their use. The guest is liable for any damages, unless he can prove that these were caused without his fault (or the fault of other users). Damage must be reported immediately to the owner family SALZANO. The hotel reserves the right to check the condition of the hotel room/chalet/apartment at any time. In case of additional expenses, the owner family SALZANO takes the liberty to charge the additional expenses. The rooms/chalet/apartment are ready from 2pm on the day of arrival. On the day of departure the rooms must be vacated by 11 am.

The hotel declines any responsibility, the use is at your own risk. The owner family SALZANO assumes no liability.
The use of the SPA area is reserved for persons in good health or for those who have no medical restrictions for its use. This both in the knowledge or ignorance of a medical limitation.
Do not use the sauna if you have a fever or a cold, acute inflammation of internal organs, severe cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins or hyperthyroidism.

7. massages and appointments
Appointment cancellations or postponements are free of charge 24 h before the start of the treatment.
We decline any liability for massages on pregnant women. The responsibility lies with the guest.

8. non-refundable reservations
For non-refundable reservations, the hotel takes the liberty of charging the total amount (including tourist & accommodation taxes) to the credit card on the day of the reservation. These reservations can no longer be cancelled free of charge.

9. data protection
The SALZANO family of owners undertakes to comply with the applicable data protection legislation in the handling and processing of all customer data and customer usage data.

Customer information is used only to maximize operational security or in the interest of sales promotion, product design, crime prevention, collection of key economic data and statistics, and billing.

The guest has the right to know what happens with his data. The guest can also demand the deletion of the collected data. The guest can demand that his data is not used for advertising purposes. (mailings)

10 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
Swiss law is exclusively applicable to all contracts concluded with the SALZANO family of owners under these GTC. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes arising from such contracts is Interlaken.

11 Payment
You can pay with cash, (Swiss Francs and Euro) EC-Direct, Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express and Postcard.

12. pets
Pets only on request: from CHF 15.00 per day, without food
(for anti-allergic cleaning of the room for the “successors”).

In special cases we reserve the right to charge for final cleaning.

13. surcharge half board
CHF 59.- per person and day for the 4-course pampering menu

Status: 2022, Interlaken-Unterseen


Hotel – Spa – Restaurant
Lake road 108
CH-3800 Unterseen

+41 33 821 00 70

VAT   CHE-222.815.158

Sandro Salzano

Design & Graphics:
Sandro Salzano

Sonja Salzano
Hotel Marketing Group – Lucie Heim

SALZANO, Thommy Häusermann, Michael Jaussi, M. Felder, Daniel Schmuki, Fritz Bieri, Monika Oberli, Interlaken Tourism, Interlaken Golf Course, Lauberhorn Race Wengen, Shutterstock


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